Information » Climate Literacy Campaign

Climate Literacy Campaign

Climate Literacy

What is climate literacy, and why does it matter?

Climate literacy is an understanding of how the climate system works, how human actions influence climate, and how climate influences people and other parts of the Earth system. Climate literacy is important because people who understand the processes, causes, and effects of climate change are better able to assess evidence and claims about evidence, discuss options to manage risks, and take well-informed actions.
Being climate-literate does not require understanding all the complexities of climate science. People with a basic understanding can communicate effectively about climate change and work within their communities to design and implement solutions that address climate change and related social, economic, and environmental challenges. 
A climate-literate person:
•    Understands the essential principles of Earth’s climate system and the options to address human-caused climate change.
•    Recognizes credible information about climate change and knows where to find it.
•    Communicates about climate change in accurate and effective ways.
•    Can make informed decisions related to climate change.

Click the link below to view a video that provides a clear explanation of climate change: